Wirings Updates & Replacements
Wiring Updates & Replacements in the Seattle Area
Keeping Your Home Safe, Powered & Up to CodeWith the electrical safety code constantly changing, older homes and their electrical systems become more and more outdated and dangerous each day. If your home has no record of recent electrical updates or inspections, it is recommended that you have a qualified technician from Seatown Electric Plumbing Heating and Air inspect your home and make sure you are up to current code. Most home inspections can be done with an hour’s time and most rewires will take about a week. To schedule an appointment with our prompt and professional electricians in Seattle, call 206-209-0117. Financing options are available!
Call Seatown today at 206-209-0117 or contact us online to schedule an appointment for wiring updates and replacements in the Seattle and surrounding areas.

About the Rewiring Process
One of the most common questions we get is will there be wall damage during rewires? Sometimes there is wallboard/plaster damage. This all depends on the house layout. If you have an exposed basement, crawl space, and attic space, then there will most likely be no damage to the walls. If you have a finished basement below and no attic, then the only way to do the rewire is through the walls. Our technicians are trained to keep damage to a minimum.
Our process for a rewire begins with a detailed and in-depth walk-through. This ensures that we are giving accurate estimates on the time and labor. Day one is a layout day that is mainly to get familiar with framing layout in your home. On day two we start the work, moving room by room. Every day starts with drop cloths and a plastic layout and ends with a thorough cleaning of your home.
To learn more about wiring replacements and updates in Seattle, call us today at 206-203-4714 and speak with one of our knowledgeable technicians.